Smithsonian global volcanism program
Current eruptions updated through 15 October Current eruptions updated through 19 August Current eruptions updated through 24 June It also shows volcanic gas emissions sulfur dioxide, SO 2 since — the first year satellites were available to provide global monitoring of SO 2. During the morning of the 21st Strombolian activity occurred at three vents. By tremor amplitude suddenly increased, and by lava fountaining from at least two vents was observed in thermal camera images, along with an eruption plume to 3 km 10, ft a.
Lava fountaining ended around noon, with a simultaneous decrease in tremor amplitude. The front of the active SW flow reached 2, m elevation. By both flows were cooling down and no longer advancing. Additionally, infrequent ash emissions at the Bocca Nuova BN craters and some explosions and minor ash emissions at the Voragine VOR were also recorded. Webcam views of activity was limited due to weather conditions; a field visit was made on 14 December.
Strombolian activity originated from the E and central vents at SEC ejected lava onto the inner crater walls. Occasional ash emissions dispersed quickly near the summit. Activity intensified at on 13 December and lava fountains formed around At a small pyroclastic flow traveled down the SSW flank. At a third and minor pyroclastic flow traveled SSW. Around the same time as the generation of the first two pyroclastic flows, two fissures opened on the SW flank of the SEC and produced lava flows to the S and SW until about A period of lava fountaining was visible during and on 14 December.
During a field inspection on 14 December scientists confirmed the partial cone collapses and noted that the two lava flows S and SW were cooling.
The S lava flow had widened at the near the base of SEC and formed four lobes. One of the lobes continued on and stopped just NW of cones that had formed in Explosive activity from central SEC vent continued, with roaring and sporadic ash emissions. An explosion at formed an ash plume that rose about 4 km and drifted S.
Strombolian explosions deposited material outside of the crater. During a helicopter overflight along the W side on 23 October scientists observed Strombolian explosions at NSEC that produced ash emissions and ejected shreds of lava out of the crater. Both the frequency and intensity of explosions was variable. There were several thermal anomalies on the NEC crater floor, and some on the floor of the BN crater.
An ash plume from NSEC rose to 4. The report noted that, based on drone footage from the beginning of the month, the NSEC vent was m long in the NW direction and m wide in the NE direction. The ejection of incandescent material onto the crater rim and the S flank was occasionally visible during phases of increased activity.
Explosive activity increased on 31 July; an ash cloud rose to 4. On 2 August very minor ashfall was reported in Trecastagni and Acicastello, possibly from a slight increase in explosive activity that was not visually confirmed.
Ash emissions dispersed near the summit. A series of ash emissions were visible in the morning of 9 August. Gas emissions rose from the vent in the pit crater at the bottom of Bocca Nuova. Sporadic explosive activity at Voragine Crater ejected lithics and produced ash emissions. The activity may have concurrently occurred with the enlargement of vent number 3.
Explosive activity at Voragine Crater VOR , with minor ash emissions and occasional visible shreds of incandescent material, was relatively mild and discontinuous. During a field inspection on 8 May, volcanologists observed that the main cone was almost unchanged and produced modest ash emissions. Strong explosive activity at a cone located E of the main cone produced a lot of ash, and ejected coarse material that fell on the W edge of VOR as well as on the S terrace of Bocca Nuova Crater.
Activity at NSEC again increased; on 10 May Strombolian explosions ejected material out of the crater and onto the flanks. Concurrently, increased activity in VOR was characterized by the ejection of ballistics beyond its crater rim.
Strombolian explosions from the vent at the top of the cone in VOR crater ejected pieces of lava sometimes m above the vent.
Ash plumes rose from the vent and rapidly dissipated. Strombolian activity from a vent at the base of the N flank of the cone was observed on 29 February. Lava continued to effuse from the vent on top of a building lava mound on the S flank of the cone and flow into the adjacent Bocca Nuova Crater.
Activity at NEC was characterized by discontinuous Strombolian activity and periodic emissions of very diffuse ash plumes. During February observers noted continuous diffuse ash emissions at NSEC, originating from a cone in the saddle area.
The cone in VOR produced Strombolian explosions which increased in frequency and resulted in rapid cone growth especially the N part. During January there were several episodes of ash emissions at NSEC, originating from the vent that had opened on 11 December on the side of the saddle area. Ash emissions rarely rose form the E vent.
Sporadic ash emissions from Voragine Crater rapidly dispersed into the atmosphere. Strombolian explosions at Voragine Crater VOR occurred at intervals of minutes, and many incandescent jets rose above the crater rim.
Some explosions created incandescent flashes in emissions rising above the crater rim. A cone which had started forming on the crater floor in mid-September had continued to grow according to observations by field guides. Incandescence from Bocca Nuova Crater was intermittently visible at night.
Gas emissions from Northeast Crater NEC were intense and continuous, and ash plumes were occasionally visible and sometimes accompanied by incandescent flashes.
A large ash emission rose from the crater on 27 September and drifted S. On 18 September guides observed intensified explosive activity at VOR characterized by the ejection of scoria and ash from several vents to heights of tens of meters.
A lava flow from the cone had descended the W flank of the cone to its base, and then flowed several hundred meters S and branched into the Bocca Nuova Crater. Similar activity was observed on 19 September, though by 22 September the lava flows were cooling and Strombolian activity from VOR vents had become less frequent. Continuous Strombolian activity recorded between on 9 September and on 10 September produced diffuse ash emissions which quickly dissipated. The most intense part of the eruptive period occurred during Incandescence from the activity had significantly subsided by on 10 September, coincident with the ejection of lava fragments outside of the crater.
Dilute ash puffs were continuously observed at dawn the next day. Strombolian activity ceased around and then resumed around Weather conditions hindered observations at times on 11 September but clear observations after allowed for the confirmation of continuing explosive activity at varying intensity at NEC.
Ash emission from Voragine Crater began during the morning of 12 September and gradually increased in frequency. Activity further intensified at as Strombolian activity commenced and tephra ejected out of the crater was deposited at the base of Bocca Nuova Crater.
Antonio, Pedara, and neighboring areas. Webcam and field observations on 13 September confirmed continuing activity at NEC and Voragine craters. Diffuse ash plumes rose from NEC and dispersed near the summit area.
Strombolian activity at Voragine Crater ejected coarse tephra as high as 20 m above the crater rim and produced diffuse ash emissions. Impact craters from the ejected tephra were distributed mostly in the W part of the area between Bocca Nuova and Voragine craters down to 3, m elevation. Activity continued on 14 September. During an overflight on 15 September observers noted that a scoria cone had formed in Voragine Crater, and diffuse ash emissions continued to rise from NEC.
INGV reported that the mean amplitude of volcanic tremor at Etna had been increasing. Notably, the increase since mid-August had reached significant values by 6 September and were comparable to those values recorded just before the December eruption, and higher than those observed before the eruptive episodes during May-July Inclement weather prevented visual observations of the summit craters, though mountain guides reported characteristic sounds of Strombolian activity at the Bocca Nuova crater on 6 September.
A sudden increase in volcanic tremor amplitude was recorded at on 9 September, and by Strombolian activity at Northeast Crater NEC was visible. At volcanic tremor amplitude again increased, with signals localized beneath NEC.
Diffuse ash plumes rose from the crater and dissipated near the summit. At on 27 July the seismic network detected a sudden increase in tremor amplitude, and at a new fissure opened on the S flank of NSEC. Explosive activity at the crater intensified at and a dense, ash-rich plume rose to 4. A thin layer of ash was deposited in Giarre, Riposto and Torre Archirafi.
Lava emerged from the S part of the new fissure and traveled SW and S; by the longest part of the flow had reached 2, m elevation and by it had reached 2, m elevation. Beginning at a sequence of particularly strong explosions generated ash plumes that rose as high as 7.
Explosive activity decreased around on 28 July, and lava effused from the vent at a lower rate. Explosive and effusive activity at NSEC ceased that evening. Strombolian activity at NSEC increased during the morning of 18 July with explosions occurring at a rate of one every minutes.
In the following hours the rate of explosions increased, and by the evening Strombolian activity was almost continuous. The activity continued to intensify until when a sharp decrease occurred. Explosive activity decreased and had ceased by noon. A sudden increase in explosive activity was recorded that afternoon and by the evening three vents within NSEC were producing Strombolian activity and sporadic ash emissions.
Ashfall was reported in areas on the S flank. Explosive activity at NSEC again declined in the late evening. NEC produced abundant ash emissions until the morning of 20 July. Just before on 20 July a new phase of explosive activity began at NSEC and lava effusion at the new vent on the NE flank increased.
Later that morning explosive activity completely ceased; by evening the lava flow was only weakly fed. The lava flow from the fissure was active only near the vent on 5 June and by the next day had ceased and began cooling. The report noted that the NE edge of the NSEC cone had dropped several meters, likely in conjunction with a period of ash emissions on 30 May. In addition, a hot zone high on the SE flank of the cone that was established prior to the recent eruption was extensively covered with colored fumarolic deposits by 6 June.
The fissure produced Strombolian explosions and a lava flow that advanced towards the W wall of the Valle del Bove; by it had reached 2, m elevation near Monte Simone. The flow was 2 km in length. Two fissures opened a few hours later at the SE base of NSEC at an elevation of about 3, m, each producing lava flows that converged and traveled along the W wall of the Valle del Bove towards Serra Giannicola Grande, partially covering the lava flows.
The flow reached 2, m elevation by The fissure activity was accompanied by ash emissions which were intense starting at but then decreased and almost stopped late in the evening. The lava flow reached the bottom of the valley in the early hours of 31 May and had a length of about 3 km. INGV volcanologists confirmed that lava continued to effuse from both fissures during a visual inspection in the morning of 1 June and that vigorous spatter was occurring at a fissure on the SE base of NSEC.
By the lava flow from the N base was no longer being fed and was cooling. During a visual inspection of the eruption site on 2 June volcanologists confirmed explosive activity at a fissure segment at 2, m and continuing lava effusion.
The lava traveled along the W wall of the Valle del Bove, overlapping flows from previous days. An ash plume rose from Bocca Nuova Crater on 23 May. Several Strombolian explosions at NSEC ejected incandescent pyroclastic material a few dozen meters above the crater rim during May. A new vent on the inner wall of Voragine Crater was noted on 30 April. Strombolian activity from the BN-1 crater deep within the Bocca Nuova Crater was visible on 28 April and continued through 5 May; field inspections on 30 April revealed that two vents in BN-1 were active and producing explosions at a rate of one every seconds.
Bombs and lapilli were ejected above the crater rim but deposits remained mostly within the confines of the crater or near the rim. On 2 May, beginning at , discontinuous explosions at the E vent produced emissions of fine tephra that rose as high as 1 km above the crater rim and quickly dissipated.
During May the frequency of explosions increased for brief periods in conjunction with a slight increases in volcanic tremor amplitude. During each night webcams recorded pulsating flashes from the E vent in New Southeast Crater NSEC which became more intense towards the end of the week.
A minor ash emission from Bocca Nuova Crater was visible at on 8 April. After the event seismicity gradually decreased. The last significant event was a ML 4. Preliminary assessments of some of the ash deposits showed they contained no juvenile material. During February ash emissions of variable intensity rose from NEC and were notable on 14 and 18 February.
Volcanic tremor amplitude did not significantly vary compared to the previous week, having average values overall. The Catania Airport announced the partial closure of airspace and flight delays during February due to ash emissions. From the beginning of the afternoon on 6 February discrete ash emissions rose from NEC.
The ash emissions were continuous from about on 7 February to on 8 February, producing relatively diffuse ash plumes that drifted S and then SE. A diffuse ash plume drifted SW on 9 February.
In addition, lava effusion became continuous with small overlapping flows traveling about m down the E flank of the cone. Incandescent blocks generated by the lava flows rolled to the base of the cone, and occasional small collapses produced minor ash plumes.
Strombolian explosions at NSEC were interspersed with long pauses from a few minutes to a few hours. The explosions sometimes produced ash emissions that quickly dispersed; ashfall was deposited around the crater and in the Valle del Bove. Spattering from the southernmost vent was also visible, as well as gas emissions. Gas emissions at Voragine Crater from a vent on the E rim of the crater were less intense compared to previous months.
NEC activity was characterized by Strombolian explosions sometimes accompanied by minor ash emissions. Spattering from the southernmost vent was also visible. Gas emissions increased at Voragine Crater from a vent that formed on 7 August on the E rim of the crater, and the crater continued to gradually widen and deepen.
NEC activity was characterized by gas emissions and explosive activity of variable frequency and intensity. Strombolian activity at the N vent in Bocca Nuova BN-1 ejected incandescent material almost as high as the W crater rim. No eruptive activity was observed at BN-2, though it produced explosions deep in the crater. A new high-temperature vent producing gas emissions was noted on 1 October in the same place a fumarole had been observed the previous week.
Ash emissions from NSEC were sometimes accompanied by ejected incandescent material. Gas emissions increased at Voragine Crater from a vent that formed on 7 August on the E rim of the crater.
NEC produced frequent brown-gray ash emissions, and ejected blocks and bombs, from a vent located in the W part of the crater floor. A few Strombolian explosions at NSEC were recorded on 5 September; an explosion at generated an ash plume that produced local ashfall around the vent and in the Valle del Bove, and quickly dispersed. A similar but less intense event occurred earlier that day, at Similar Strombolian events continued during September, at intervals of a few hours.
Strombolian activity at the N vent BN-1 in Bocca Nuova occurred at minute intervals, ejecting incandescent material that fell within the crater confines.
Gas emissions were sometimes punctuated with ash emissions. Intense degassing was characteristic of the second vent BN Strombolian activity occurred at NEC, and a few times explosions were accompanied by ash emissions.
INGV reported that during August activity at Etna was characterized by gas emissions at the summit craters, Strombolian activity, and ash emissions. Beginning at on 23 August Strombolian activity from the cone in the saddle between the Southeast Crater SEC and NSEC cone complex rapidly intensified; explosions ejected tephra m above the vent rim. Just after lava overflowed the vent in the saddle cone and flowed N; Strombolian activity at that vent continued through the night and then stopped no later than on 24 August.
At Strombolian activity from a vent on the S flank of NSEC produced a small lava flow that traveled a few dozen meters. During August the activity at the saddle cone gradually decreased, and ash emissions were weak and occasional.
INGV reported that during August activity at Etna was similar to the previous week, characterized by gas emissions at the summit craters, Strombolian activity, and ash emissions. Strombolian explosions continued from vents in Bocca Nuova, and were particularly visible at night. Based on two field inspections and webcam data, INGV reported that during 30 July-5 August activity at Etna was characterized by gas emissions at the summit craters and Strombolian activity. Three vents at the bottom of the Bocca Nuova crater were active, with gas emissions rising from two vents and sporadic Strombolian activity occurring at a third.
Three vents were also active at the bottom of Northeast Crater NEC ; one produced ash emissions, one steam emissions, and Strombolian explosions at the third ejected incandescent material as high as the crater rim.
The activity began at on 1 August with a brownish-gray ash emission that rose several hundred meters above the summit. The event was followed by more ash emissions and then Strombolian activity in the evening.
The activity was mostly confined to the craters, with material falling back into the craters, though occasionally incandescent lava was ejected about m above the crater rim.
The activity sometimes generated ash emissions that dissipated near the summit. Visibility of the fairly continuous, low-energy, Strombolian activity deep within the Northeast Crater NEC and Bocca Nuova was sometimes hindered by gas emissions. Ejected incandescent material fell back into the crater.
Strong and prolonged roars up to several tens of seconds from NEC were sometimes accompanied by gray-brown and reddish ash emissions. INGV reported that activity at Etna during January was relatively unchanged compared to the previous weeks and was mainly characterized by variable-intensity gas emissions from the summit craters.
On 22 January ash fell in areas on the S flank and also in Catania, though the crater which produced the ash emission was unknown due to poor visibility. Around Strombolian activity ejected material from the vent and the lava flow headed towards the Valle del Bove. Ash emissions were visible at Strombolian activity began to diminish around and eventually ceased. The lava flows advanced until around ; phreato-magmatic explosions occurred in areas where the NE flow interacted with snow. In the evening of 13 April short-lived explosive activity occurred at a vent at the S flank of the SEC cone at about 3, m elevation.
That vent and another at 3, m elevation produced lava flows for a few hours. Lava had traveled down into the Valle del Bove from the W rim; by the afternoon of 18 March almost continuous collapses of parts of the lava flow produced several avalanches of incandescent material which reached the base of the wall. Explosive activity had greatly declined earlier that morning. The collapsing stopped by early the next evening, 19 March, and the lava reached the base of the valley.
That lava flow stopped advancing on 20 March though a few lava flows closer to the vent remained active the next few days. On 21 March a new lava flow expanded SSW, but then stopped in the last days of March at an elevation of 2, m.
A few more lava flows had followed a similar path in early April and then also stopped at the same elevation. Strong glow form the pit crater was observed at night. Activity rapidly intensified at , and by near-constant Strombolian explosions were generating ash plumes.
The lava flow reached the base of the cone and traveled S. By late afternoon the lava was advancing on top of lava flows from the previous eruption.
The intensity of the Strombolian activity reached a peak around , and by the evening both the eruptive activity and seismicity gradually diminished. Just before midnight a new lava flow began to effuse from a vent on the S flank of the cone. On 16 March at a phreato-magmatic explosion occurred at the front of a lava flow where it contacted an area covered with snow. A news article noted that about 10 people were injured during the event. Lava overflowed the vent, quickly traveled down the S flank, and then slowed after reaching the gently sloping terrain.
During February frequent Strombolian explosions ejected incandescent lava fragments up to m above the vent. The lava flow slowly advanced on top of the snow, and by 1 March was about 1.
By the late evening, activity declined, and the volcanic tremor amplitude rapidly diminished. Ash plumes drifted E and caused ashfall in Zafferana and Linguaglossa. INGV reported that on the morning of 15 December minor emissions of brownish ash rose from the vent in the saddle between the newer cone and the old cone of Etna's Southeast Crater SEC.
That evening some of the emissions were more energetic, ejecting incandescent material out of the crater which landed on the steep S flank of the SEC cone. Analysis of samples of the ejected rock revealed no new material, only older material from the conduit walls.
During the following five weeks weak ash emissions from the vent were observed, without being accompanied by incandescence. During the early morning of 20 January the saddle vent was again active, with small black ash puffs and thermal anomalies identified by the surveillance camera.
People on the SEC observed ejected incandescent material along with ash and blocks. Cloudy weather prevented visual observations for a few days; the evening of 23 January was cloud free and mild Strombolian activity was observed, accompanied by frequent emissions of small, black ash puffs.
The activity gradually intensified through the night, with some explosions launching incandescent material as far as the base of the SEC cone. The frequency of explosions and ash emissions increased on 24 January but then slightly decreased the next morning.
On 10 October INGV reported that during the past few weeks high-temperature degassing had continued from a vent that had opened on 7 August in the E portion of Etna's Voragine crater. In addition minor and infrequent ash emissions from old pulverized rock rose from a vent located on the upper E flank of the New Southeast Crater cone.
In the early afternoon of 10 October an explosion occurred at the Bocca Nuova crater, in an area between the crater and the nearby Voragine crater. The explosion was recorded at , and produced a distinct thermal anomaly and an ash puff that rose a few hundred meters. During the next few hours similar seismic events were detected although weather cloud cover prevented visual observations. The emissions continued periodically until early August. Pulsating glow from mild, intra-crater explosions in the Voragine VOR crater was recorded during August.
At night the activity intensified with explosions occurring at two or three vents, contemporaneous with renewed inflation of the summit area. Just after volcanic tremor amplitude rapidly increased and the Strombolian explosions turned into pulsating jets of lava, launching incandescent bombs 1 km S; an ash plume drifted SSE.
Observers noted that a fracture had formed on the SE flank of the central cone. In addition, an effusive vent in the saddle between the cone and the old cone of the Southeast Crater produced a small lava flow that traveled towards the Valle del Leone. Activity decreased around and was over at about On 22 May a vent on the upper E flank of New Southeast Crater cone produced a series of ash emissions which rose several hundred meters above the summit and dispersed.
Some of the emissions had a thermal signature, indicating the presence of hot material. That evening Strombolian activity resumed at NEC; the rate and intensity of the activity fluctuated through the night. The strongest explosions ejected incandescent bombs up to a few hundred meters above the crater rim and onto the flanks. On 23 May sporadic ash emissions continued from the vent on the upper E flank of the New Southeast Crater cone.
Incandescent bombs were ejected above the crater rim and tephra was deposited on the flanks. During the morning of 18 May this activity was accompanied by ash emissions that drifted E and rapidly dispersed. Just after on 18 May cameras recorded the onset of activity at Voragine VOR crater, which within a few minutes evolved into a pulsating lava fountain. At the same time Strombolian activity at NEC diminished and dark ash emissions formed briefly.
Ash plumes from VOR rose as high as 3. During the afternoon lava overflowed from the W rim of the Voragine-Bocca Nuova depression, and traveled W within the summit area. Smithsonian Institution. Department of Mineral Sciences Programs.
Breadcrumb Home Our Research Mineral Sciences Programs The Department of Mineral Sciences is an active participant in major, cross-agency research initiatives that seek to understand the Earth both past and present. Global Volcanism Program. Current eruptions updated through 13 September Minor code fix to the Holocene Volcano List page to correct a counting error recently introduced. As of this update we list 1, volcanoes thought to have erupted or been otherwise volcanically active during the Holocene.
Current eruptions updated through 17 May Minor updates to volcano data. Current eruptions not updated. Since the last update there have been some frequently asked questions posted, including some that provide summary data about the number of reccent and ongoing eruptions.
Current eruptions updated through 24 May Many updates to the Pleistocene volcano list, which is now available to download as a spreadsheet; they are also now included in the KML placemark file.
General updates to volcano data; four volcanoes moved from Holocene to Pleistocene list. General updates to volcano data, lists, and eruption histories. Volcanoes with known Pleistocene eruptions and current unrest usually geothermal activity , but no Holocene eruptions, have been removed from the list of Holocene volcanoes.
Information about those volcanoes is still available because of the website expansion to show Pleistocene volcanoes in see v. The Holocene list is now restricted to those volcanoes thought to have actually erupted in that time period. Current eruptions updated through 31 May Completed audit of missing elevation data for Holocene volcanoes.
As of this update we list 1, volcanoes thought to have erupted or been otherwise volcanically active during the Holocene, and 1, on the Pleistocene list. Deformation Activity data revised, with images and references added. General updates to volcano lists and eruptions.
Updated Smithsonian Samples data, including new fields. General updates. Many corrections to volcanic feature locations. Removed 19 volcanoes from the Holocene list and added 8 to the Pleistocene list since the June update.